Space Mining Tycoon (Roblox) Wiki
Space Mining Tycoon (Roblox) Wiki

The most basic rover. Perfect for mining operations that are just starting.


The Basic Rover is the first rover in the game and is given to the player upon joining. It provides a faster transportation than feet.


  • The Basic Rover is the only rover that is free
  • It is the slowest rover in the game
  • The Basic Rover haves an antenna on its back for decoration.
Space Mining Tycoon
Ores, Tools & Transportation
Ores Copper OreIron OreSilver OreGold OreFirestoneEmerald OreSapphire OreRuby OrePlatinum OreDiamond OreObsidianBlue Crystal
Essential Features Base EditorBuild ToolCreditExpand PlotPlayer BasePremium ShopSettingsTool SelectorTutorial
Transportation Basic RoverPod RoverSubma RoverFormula 2 RoverClassy RoverHeavy PodRocketHovercar SpawnRocket Landing PadPublic Landing Area
Tools Rusty PickMetal PickIndustrial PickHybrid PickHyper PickExtended Hyper PickBreatherPack 1Pack 2Pack 3
Objects ExplosiveBolt CuttersBattery